Tarana Wireless


Tarana Wireless

G1 by Tarana Wireless is the world’s first next-generation fixed wireless access platform, which introduces a complete revolution in delivering real broadband service at mass scale in a fraction of the time. Designed from the ground up specifically for ngFWA, G1 delivers fiber-class broadband over non-line-of-sight links, in unlicensed spectrum (enabled by a true industry first in interference cancellation), at a fraction of fiber’s cost and time to deploy. Tarana's network economics are 3x better than 5G at FWA.

Elevate Your Connectivity with Digicomm & Tarana Wireless

Digicomm International proudly supplies Tarana Wireless portfolio of fixed wireless solutions.

Thinking BEAD? Choose Tarana.

tarana logo and installation with capital building in background

Fiber + ngFWA = The Best Recipe for BEAD

The BEAD program is an incredible, once-in-a-generation opportunity for America. Unfortunately, choosing the right access technology approaches in BEAD implementations to ensure success is a real challenge. Fiber is great, but often too expensive to deploy reliably in digital-divide areas. Well-known fixed wireless alternatives (satellites or repurposed 3GPP mobile and unlicensed Wi-Fi tech) have inadequate performance or are outright disqualified by rule.

Fortunately, the now well-proven high performance, ease of deployment, and compelling network economics of Tarana’s G1 next-generation fixed wireless access (ngFWA) platform can make BEAD program goals truly achievable within the boundaries of available funds.

G1 is Fulfilling ngFWA’s Promise Across the US & the World

Tarana ngFWA Technology Performance Profile